Friday, December 21, 2007


Today is December 21st, winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and (supposed) also on average the coldest one (even if this peculiarity is very variable belonging to the weather conditions). Today the sky is crystalline, there is a lazy sun (that woke up very late and soon will go back to sleep) and everything is shining with that golden yellow that match so good with the Christmas decorations.
Tomorrow, for some days, my wife, i and Maddie (our doggie) will go to spend Christmas in the mountain, with the intention to escape from the noise of the pagan festivity.
I love the silence in the mountain, where any word make sense because it does not confuse with all that background noise.
Too bad not to be next to our folks, a thought goes to my mom, my dad and my father-in-low. It would have been nice to spend Christmas with them, ending up sitting to chat in front of the softly crackling fireplace.


  1. I'm getting a different day for the solstice this year. It's actually on the 22nd! Oh well... ;-)

  2. I hope you have good weather for your trip to the mountains - Enjoy the peace and tranquility of Nature and have a Happy Holiday and New Year.
    Here in Tallahassee, (how's that for a name!) we have blooming roses for Christmas and certainly no snow.
