Thursday, January 24, 2008

Clemente Mastella

I read from the text of Clemente Mastella's resignation: "I tried, i believed, i hoped that the break between politics and magistracy could be reassembled, through the dialectic, the confrontation, the dialogue, the point of contact." (Sorry, mr. Mastella, for the translation).

Are those proper words for the Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia (minister of Justice)?
If two worlds are completely independent and there is no interference between each other, as it should be the Governo (Council of Ministers) and the Magistratura (Magistracy), upon the foundamental principles of our Constitution, what does it mean to say that there is a "break" between them? In other words, what is there to "confront", to "dialogue", where do they have to find a "point of contact"? What is the request of the Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia to the magistrates? To close one eye, or maybe two of them, on some episodes that particularily interest Mr. Mastella?

Alessandra Lonardo
The story is easy. Alessandra Lonardo (here her homepage), President of Regional Council of Campania, and wife of Clemente Mastella, is under house-arrest for the crime of extorsion, upon the investigations which involved, besides hers, her husband and several other exponents of Udeur Party.
It is too difficult now to try to judge if Mrs. Lonardo is guilty or not for the crimes she is accused of, i am not able to. And i believe, moreover, that such a task belongs to the Magistracy, and not to an ingenuous blog like this.
I'm not saying that it's not ethical to speak of it, let this be clear, nobody doubts about the importance of freedom of thought. But any word, although intelligent, would be only a gossip, since, thanks heavens, we live in a State of Right, in which it is responsability of Magistracy to find out who infringed the law and who did not.
Of Magistracy, and not of any Dario "ItalianRoots".
And not of the Minister of Justice, even, and above all, if he is the husband of who's accused.

Mastella's resignation from the office of Minister, out of the context, doesn't look to me unappropriate at all. If you are the Minister of Justice and the Magistrates (right or wrong) investigate on you and your wife, it looks me more honest to resign than to stay sitting on that chair.

But even more strange it looks to me that Mastella's wife, under house-arrest, didn't resign at all from the office President of Campania Region. How comes? Minister Mastella doesn't trust Magistracy, and so he resigns, but, instead, President Lonardo doesn't resign exactly because she doesn't trust Magistracy? I don't understand the logic.

Minister of Justice, as any Minister of the Government, does not have authority of judgement, otherwise there would be a conflict of power, which in Italy is, since forever, divided among Legislative (Parliament), Executive (Government) and Judical (Magistracy).

Clemente Mastella
So he doesn't even have responsability of the acts of Magistracy.
Why should then he resign if his wife is accused? It's just like to say, in a game of Monopoly, "Okay, i play till i win, when i start to loose i quit playing". But this is not a game, this is the Law. And Law is (or should be) the same for everyone.
The same for this ingenuous Dario, as for his wife, for the President of Republic and his wife, and also, dear Mister Minister, for the Minister of Justice and his wife. To accept to be investigated for extorsion means to accept to submit to Justice, and so to accept that Law is the same for everone. And if this principle is not accepted but the Minister of Justice himself, then we are really in trouble. I will not regret for sure that Clemente Mastella (onorevole???) that held that office.

But made true that Mastella's resignment is out of any logic, if we see it in the context it was given, it is really difficult not to consider them exploitable. It is really difficult to believe that Mastella, before the resignment, didn't evaluate the political implications of that action. That is that with any probability today the Government will be brought down, because the majority will miss the votes of Udeur, and this will happen before the problem of the electoral law reform will be solved, that dirty trick invented by Berlusconi to favourite Berlusconi himself. Before that the problem of Interest Conflict, that favourite Berlusconi, will be solved.
Infact there are the first gossips that speak about Mastella's turncoat and all his "glorious" party in an acrobatic crossing of the canyon towards the alliance with who, till yesterday, was "the enemy" Berlusconi.

One could even suspect that Berlusconi promised to use his "occult" powers to solve that little family problem of Mr. Mastella, so itchy to Mrs. Sandra, in change of a Government breakdown. And maybe silently the big face of our hero will be seen in the next government on Berlusconi's side.

I finish this post quoting Phaedrus, exactly like Mastella ends up the text of his resignment: "The humbles suffer when the powerfuls fight each other", noticing how, in this case, the demonstration of power is exactly in the blackmail of the resignment. Upon this point of view the meaning of the quotation looks really like an offense to all the (humble) Italians.

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