Wednesday, January 27, 2010

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

"You are always beside us".


  1. You know what pisses me off? Is that Google didn't even make any mention of it in their usual graphics. All the commercial holidays no fricking problem, but for something of this magnitude on a a much more profound scale was too controversial, eh?

    I put the book "The Pianist" on my shop list whenever I get back stateside.

  2. Yes, me too i thought about the same thing about Google.

    Roman Polanski is the director of the movie. I wonder if he's also the author of the book...

  3. Thanks for posting Simonva - I had never heard of her or seen her work; but will certainly spread her name around. Her talent for drawing and catching the feel is formidable - and she does it to music in front of a live audience!
