Thursday, February 18, 2010

Virtual-pen brothers

I don't have a lot of time to write this post now, but i really want to tell, before it's too late, how good it wat to go for dinner to Maurice's, chef at the restaurant El Barba.
We really ate very well. We chosed two "menu speciali" (4 courses chosen by the chef) at 25 euros each.
- Mushroom sformato with tomato sauce
- Polenta, gorgonzola and Trentingrana cheese with pear
First courses:
- Three kind of canederli
Second courses:
- Roast porc shin with smashed potatoes
- Gulash trentino with polenta from Storno
- Warm berries soup with icecream
- Clementine mousse
All of this with an excellent bottle of Teroldego Sangue di Drago by Donati Marco, for 34 euros.
Everything was perfect, but the best was chatting with my friend Maurice. It's years we virtually know each other on our blogs, but we never had the chance to phisically meet before.

Ristorante El Barba
piazza S. Maria Assunta, 2
38027 Malè (Tn)
Closed on thursdays, never in summer nor during Christmas period, closed for holidays in november.
Dogs welcome.

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