Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anche tu Rubi?

Come ti chiami, bella?
tanto il mio nome già lo sai
è per questo che sei qui,
per non scordarlo mai.
Io ti posso regalare tutto quanto
tranne la felicità,
però ti prego non chiamarmi anche tu papà.
Tu che vita che farai
sai che proprio non mi importa,
perché domani,
quando uscirai da questa porta,
quanti anni avrai
e quanti te ne avrà rubati io
sono solo cazzi tuoi
che qui tanto è tutto mio.
Anche tu Ruby
tu come me, rubi
sì siamo entrambi due grandi
che io ti pago, Ruby
ma non m'appago, Ruby
ma tu puoi sognare in questa villa a Arcor
come sei alta, snella
che gamba lunga lunga!
adesso dai facciamo.... un po' di rumba
su dai racconta i tuoi casini
e dammi da bere, ho ancora sete
che andare coi più piccolini
mi fa sentire grande
son scherzi anche da prete.
Ma anche tu Ruby
tu come me, rubi
che sono bello, sono alto
e sono un rubacuor
che posso tutto, Ruby
io sono il capo, Ruby
e ti concedo di sognar
in questa villa a Arcor
ma anche tu, Ruby
tu come me, rubi
che sono bello, sono alto
e sono un rubacuor
che posso tutto, Ruby
io sono il capo, Ruby
e ti concedo di sognar
in questa villa a Arcor
e ti concedo di sognar
in questa villa a Arcor
e ti concedo di sognar
ma intanto dammi... il cuor
What's your name, pretty?
anyway, you know my name, already
that's why you are here,
not to forget it ever.
I can give you everything
but happiness,
but, please, don't call me "daddy" you too.(1)
What kind of life you will live
you know, i really don't mind,
because tomorrow,
when you'll go out this door,
how old you'll be
and how many years i will have stolen to you
that's only your freaking business
cos here, anyway, everything is mine.
You too Ruby (2)
just lke me, you steal(3)
yes, we are both
heartbrakers (4)
Cos i pay you, Ruby
but i get no satisfaction, Ruby
but you can dream in this villa at Arcore (5)
how tall you are, how skinny
what a long long leg!
now let's make.... some rumba (6)
Come on tell me your troubles
and give me something to drink, i am still thursty
that dating the little ones
makes me feel tall (7)
they are also priests' jokes (8).
You too Ruby
just lke me, you steal
cos i am handsome, i am tall
and i am a heartbraker
cos i can everything, Ruby
i am the boss, Ruby
and i allow you to dream
in this villa at Arcore
You too Ruby
just lke me, you steal
cos i am handsome, i am tall
and i am a heartbraker
cos i can everything, Ruby
i am the boss, Ruby
and i allow you to dream
in this villa at Arcore
and i allow you to dream
in this villa at Arcore
and i allow you to dream
but now give me your... heart

Omar Stellacci

(1): Referred to one (the first?) scandal of sexy girls at the court of Berlusconi, which used to call him "Papi" or "Papà" (="Daddy")
(2): Ruby is the nickname of this underage girl that looks like had an affair with Berlusconi.
(3): In italian "you steal" is "rubi", which has the same sound of the nickname of the girl: Ruby.
(4): In italian "heartbraker(s)" is "rubacuori" (literally "heart thief"), which root sounds similar to "rubi" and "Ruby".
(5): Arcore is the town where Berlusconi's villa is.
(6): In italian, "gamba lunga lunga" (="long long leg") rhymes with "bunga bunga" which according to all the newspapers, is the favorite erotic amusement of Berlusconi. That expression is so popular that it is clearly recalled although not pronounced.
(7): Referred to Berlusconi's height (he's kind of short).
(8): In italian, "scherzo da preti" (literally "priests' joke") is a dummy joke (priests are notoriously not very funny). But here it is also referred to some pedophily scandal among Catholic priests.


  1. Reading the english translation makes this even more unbearable. I know you might give me the stink eyeball for saying this but sometimes I feel sorry for Papi. Not for the things he does of course, but for the fact that he is so short. It must play on his sense of self-esteem a little bit. Little short man. All that moola and still not the idealistic italian like, for example, Raol Bova and il più bello babbo d'Italia sort of thing. Plus he isn't getting any younger so may as well grab all the legs and ass that you can while you can. Maybe his mamma didn't make enough coccole when he was a kid?

  2. Hi Dario,
    Thanks for reading my latest political post. I check your english version pretty regularly and find your excursions and anti-Berli comments interesting. I would think all the scandals would eventually do him in, but apparently the Italian electorate is pretty tolerant - or maybe envious.
    I'm going to be doing a lot more political commenting on my blog.

  3. Dick, thanks for commenting...
    Unfortunately i don't keep updated my english version. Now my style in the italian one is kind of different: less formal and more discoursive. Which makes it difficult to translate my posts into English. I finish to translate only the short ones like this previous one.
    I post on the italian version much more often. I wonder if google translator does do an enough good work... but i guess not.

    My wife, my doggies and me still make nice excursions. But the winter weather makes it more hard, so there is not a big much to write about. We made a nice excursion on the snow around Christmas with those kind of snow shoes, but i don't have wonderful photos to post.

    Italian electorate is... mmmh... i don't know if i can define it tolerant. The thing is that we had, after the monarchy, the Mussolini dictature, and, following, 40 years of government run by Democrazia Cristiana. All of these years the government based its power on the acceptance of Italian people (and electorate) to the power. What italians used to believe is something like "if the powerful ones say it's like this and that, it must be like this and that". And so the "rest of the world" was bad. There were communists before the fall f the Wall, and now there are all those conspiracies against the leader. I am not surprised that Berlusconi says that Magistracy are trying to obtain - undemocratically - the power. I am instead surprised that there is a lot of people that still believe in that.

    During these last days/weeks the situation is falling for Berlusconi, because - beneath the popular vote - he was supported by the strong powers: the Church, the Mafia, the Confindustria (the alliance of Italian industrial entrepreneurs and managers), while now it looks that some things are changing (faster than how i thought). Surprisingly the Pope is showing some coherence for condemning his connection with prostitution, the industrials are warried about the image of "made in Italy" and about the absolute lack of any economical politics to fight against the global chrysis. I believe that this political situation is not good for Mafia either, because for its dirty business it needs stability. The magistracy keeps finding new things against Berlusconi.
    The real problem is a complete lack of alternative. The Left is still lost trying to preserve the smaller seats of power for its leader. There is some emergent new politician in which i find a possible future for Italy. Just to make some names Ignazio Marino, Debora Serracchiani, Matteo Renzi, Nichi Vendola... But it seems like the old dinosaurs of the PD don't want to give them space enough to rebuild the Left. It's enough to say that the beginning of Berlusconi's fall started with the scission generated by the exit from PdL of Gianfranco Fini, which is the natural heir of the Fascist party, allied now with Pierferdinando Casini, which was the right side of the former Democrazia Cristiana. In other words, the real opposition to the right is another party in the right, and the Left keeps being surprised discussing what the hell is going on. My feeling is that Berlusconi will soon go home, but Fini will rebuild the disaster on an even bigger right party. And that not for credit of the government of the right, but for fault of the left that was not able to build an alternative. And Berlusconi will still be safe. Because his goal was not to govern italy, but save his butt from all his crimes and dirty business.
