Wednesday, October 10, 2012




  1. I dunno...maybe this calls for stuffed pumpkins AND a pizza to celebrate. Depends how hungry you are after 100 vasche!

  2. I think i am gonna be starving!

  3. hi guys! have u quit smoking dario? here it's all fine, everything getting slowly into place...

  4. Hi Dario - this is a question from another group I follow
    I'd like your comments:
    I am curious what thoughts you might have on this:
    Italy just had an election to give the proletariat what they want.
    What motivates voters to make such a decision?
    Is the driving force a desire for power by the Ruling Class to get elected at any cost?
    Is it in fact a good thing for the economy of Italy in the long run.
    I am curious how you feel about this.

  5. Dick...
    I am sorry, but as you see i am not keeping this blog update since a long time. My purpose was to post my posts in both my italian and english blogs, but it's no worth, being that i have no followers :-)

    My opinion? Well... i have to think about how to answer, because the situation is so complex and unexpected that it's difficult to analyze.
    I'd like although to participate to the discussion of the other group you are speaking about, atleast to see what they say of the miserable situation Italy is from abroad...

    Otherwise i will write a post on this blog for you...

  6. Thanks Dario
    The link isa facebook group:
    Which is basically a group of bright people (Google TNS or Triple Nine Society for info if you are interested)
    They often have interesting discussions.
    I'll post your opinion there if you give me permission.

  7. Sure you can post my opinions there, (whenever i'll find the time to write them ;-)).
    Unfortunately i use the internet mainly from my office, where, for a company policy, all Facebook portal is blocked, so i can not read their eventual comment or any of their questions...

  8. Thanks Dario
    If anybody has anything interesting to say - I'll see that you get it

  9. Dick.
    I am preparing a post for this blog, to answer your questions.
    As you can imagine, it will take some times, given the complexity of the situation and the fact that every day there is some evolution...

    :-) stay tuned!
